Proctology examination and consultation (Anoscopy)

Proctological issues – such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, or other rectal discomforts – can cause significant discomfort and are often considered taboo topics. However, early detection and treatment are crucial for improving quality of life.

Proctology examination and consultation (Anoscopy)

About the service

Proctology examination and consultation (Anoscopy)

Proctology examination and consultation (Anoscopy)

During the proctology consultation, our doctor will thoroughly inquire about the patient's symptoms and then perform an anoscopic examination to establish an accurate diagnosis. This procedure is quick and minimally uncomfortable, yet crucial for determining the appropriate treatment plan.

Anoscopy is a brief, painless examination in which the specialist uses a special tool (anoscope) to inspect the rectal mucosa and any potential abnormalities. Following the examination, the patient will receive a personalized treatment recommendation, which may include medication, lifestyle changes, or even surgical intervention. Don't wait if you are experiencing rectal discomfort – the sooner the issue is identified, the faster and more effective the treatment will be!


Proctology examination and consultation (Anoscopy) 35 000 Ft



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  • Persistent or recurring anal pain
  • Bleeding during bowel movements
  • Anal itching or irritation
  • Protruding lumps around the anal area
  • Difficulty or pain during bowel movements

Anoscopy is generally not painful, only slightly uncomfortable. It is a quick and effective method for diagnosing rectal conditions.

It is recommended to follow a light diet and ensure bowel evacuation before the examination.

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