Physical changes in aging adults

The changes and aesthetic problems of the intimate area can cause a number of health and lifestyle problems, including hyperpigmentation of the labia, weakening of the vaginal and genital muscles and even vaginal dryness. These problems can affect a woman's quality of life, causing pain, discomfort and sexual problems. It is important to treat these symptoms and consult a specialist for appropriate therapy.

Physical changes in aging adults

What kind of physical intimacy difficulties can occur with aging?

The changing and aging process of our intimate areas can cause several health issues and aesthetic problems thus can cause some lifestyle changes. Starting form the age of mid-twenties the amount of collagen-, elastin- and hyaluronic acid decreases – these molecules have an important role in keeping the skin even, firm and soft. Eventually this process is responsible for developing loose, visibly saggy skin all over the body – including the private parts.

The labias may become more pigmented with age, getting a darker appearance. The skin is more prone to dryness, loses its natural elasticity which is enhanced by the menopause-related decreased oestrogen level.

A lot of women suffer from the consequences of the size-, shape- and appearance transformation of their labias. The enlargement of the labia minora can make wearing underwear and bathing  suits uncomfortable or make doing some exercises (running, cycling, riding a horse) and even sitting painful or unbearable. These activities may irritate or harm the skin of the genitals and have a negative effect on sexual life.

Beside genetic factors, aging, giving birth and other traumatic events can weaken the pelvic floor muscles, and loosen or stretch out the connective tissue layers. Therefore it’s common to develop incontinence and problems with sexual health. The sinking and prolapse of the pelvic organs occur because of the weakened pelvic muscles.

Incontinence means that the sphincter muscle cannot close properly and urine leaks out unintentionally. It’s extremely important to start a treatment as soon as possible because of its adverse effect on life quality and also the increased risk of health problems.

Excess fat over the pubic area is also a common problem which appears as an enlarged Venus mound. The condition is caused by an accumulation of adipose tissue and makes usual everyday activities (e.g. dressing up, working out) difficult as a negative consequence.

Dryness may be a sign of vaginal atrophy which is really important to diagnose and treat in favor of having a complete, healthy life. The symptoms can occur regardless of age and it’s common to develop some of them as a side effect of a medication, but mostly the syndrome is formed by accompanying menopause. Vaginal dryness is usually the consequence of a decreased oestrogen level when the regional musoca thickens, atrophies and its mucus production ability deteriorates significantly. Because of the decreased work of mucosal glands the vaginal wall dries out and becomes itchy which makes sexual life unpleasant and painful. The imbalance of this area creates a higher risk for bacterial and fungal infections and makes the skin prone to irritations.

Several decades ago intimate rejuvenation was not possible and women needed to accept that their time had passed and needed to get used to their changed bodies. However for now several techniques were invented in favor of renewing the labias and the pubic mound and tightening the vaginal muscles. These methods help to eliminate problems like urinary incontinence and mucosal dryness, while also greatly improving low self-esteem and boosting confidence.

What can we do about intimacy difficulties?

Treatment for vaginal dryness

An intimate laser treatment is a proven remedy for vaginal dryness. Fractional CO2 laser therapy can restore the hydration and comfort-feeling of the genital area safely in a non-invasive way. The procedure is completely painless too. During the session the laser beam causes micro-injuries in the vaginal wall which induces cell-regeneration and collagen production. Post-treatment the designated area regenerates, gets stronger and more hydrated while the blood circulation of the area increases. The connective tissues are also affected positively and become more flexible and tighter. In addition the method helps to maintain the balance of the vaginal flora.

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Treatment for vaginal dryness
Laser vaginal rejuvenation 

Laser vaginal rejuvenation 

The weakening and relaxation of the vaginal walls result in a loose, wide vaginal canal. A medical laser treatment provides an effective, completely safe and painless solution for this condition too. During a vaginal tightening process the wall of the canal gets stronger and narrower and regains its original elasticity and tightness. As a result the quality of lovelife improves.

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Labia rejuvenation with laser treatment

The above mentioned fractional CO2 laser treatment is also suitable for treating the aesthetic problems of the labias. The targeted thermal energy rejuvenates the intimate areas, strengthens the regional connective tissue while increasing the collagen production. By this device the revival of the genital area and restoring the tightness of the labias becomes easily achievable and that eventuates a youthful, aesthetic appearance for the lady parts.

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Labia rejuvenation with laser treatment
Treatment for urinary incontinence

Treatment for urinary incontinence

By using fractional CO2 laser therapy, our professionals can effectively and non-invasively treat bladder holding problems. The thermal-energy of the laser beams causes micro-injuries in the skin and initiates a natural regeneration mechanism. The process includes the stimulation of collagen-production and as a result the dermal wall of the urethra and the bladder gets stronger and healthier.

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Plastic surgery may be needed for restoring the size and shape of the labias and tightening the regional tissues. As a result a positive quality change becomes achievable during sexual intercourse and everyday life. Labiaplasty can include the remodellization of the labia minora or the tightening and size change of the labia majora.

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By monsplasty the accumulated adipose tissue and excess skin can be reduced effectively. The operation eventuates a decreasing effect on the size of the pubic mound while tightening the area. The creation of a new, flatter and ideal shape helps the previous unpleasant difficulties during activities or clothing to disappear.

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