Psychological support for hormonal disorders

Stress management and various relaxation techniques such as autogenic training, mindfulness or breathing techniques can play an important role in maintaining hormonal balance and preventing hormonal problems. Individual stress management strategies, psychoeducation and psychological support can help individuals find effective ways to cope with stress. This can help to maintain hormonal health and general well-being.

Psychological support for hormonal disorders

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Psychological support for hormonal disorders

Stress and hormones

The human body reacts to stress in complex ways, and these reactions are closely linked to the functioning of the hormonal system and psychological well-being. Stress triggers a chain of responses involving the coordinated functioning of the brain, nervous system, digestive system and endocrine system. When the body is put under stress, the "fight or flight" response is activated, whereby the hypothalamus - a region of the brain - triggers the production of stress hormones. This response involves the release of a hormone called cortisol.

The role of cortisolCortisol plays an extremely important role in regulating our body, especially in stressful situations. When released, cortisol increases blood glucose levels, boosts metabolism and supports inflammatory processes. Long-term, chronic stress can lead to increased cortisol production, which can have a negative impact on the body's hormonal balance. Long-term high levels of cortisol can affect the immune system, reduce the body's defences and contribute to the development of inflammatory processes. It can also affect reproductive processes, for example in the form of menstrual irregularities or reduced libido. In addition, high cortisol levels may contribute to metabolic disorders such as obesity and insulin resistance.

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The role of cortisolCortisol plays an extremely important role in regulating our body, especially in stressful situations. When released, cortisol increases blood glucose levels, boosts metabolism and supports inflammatory processes. Long-term, chronic stress can lead to increased cortisol production, which can have a negative impact on the body's hormonal balance. Long-term high levels of cortisol can affect the immune system, reduce the body's defences and contribute to the development of inflammatory processes. It can also affect reproductive processes, for example in the form of menstrual irregularities or reduced libido. In addition, high cortisol levels may contribute to metabolic disorders such as obesity and insulin resistance.
Stress management techniques Stress management techniques

Stress management techniques

Stress management and various relaxation techniques such as autogenic training, mindfulness or breathing techniques can play an important role in maintaining hormonal balance and preventing hormonal problems. Individual stress management strategies, psychoeducation and psychological support can help individuals find effective ways to cope with stress. This can help to maintain hormonal health and general well-being.

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