Hair breakage and thinning ends

Over time, the scalp's blood supply and the cells' ability to divide decrease, leading to a loss of elasticity and volume. However, with proper nourishment and care of the scalp, hair can be revitalised too. However, if severe problems are present, it is recommended to consider more extensive examinations.

Hair breakage and thinning ends
Hair breakage and thinning ends

What causes thin, damaged hair?

The structure of our hair is made of different proteins and minerals. The hairs grow from follicles (in the scalp) which have their own blood supply. Hereditary factors define the thickness or thinness of the hair, although an originally thick structure can also weaken and become fragile because of some intrinsic or extrinsic effects.

The natural aging process also has a significant effect on this mechanism. With aging the blood circulation of our scalp and the division ability of skin cells decrease and this eventuates the slow-down of hair growth while having an enervating effect on the follicles. In the end the hair becomes less voluminous and elastic.

There exist several different underlying reasons for this condition, e.g. following an inadequate hair-care routine (shampoos with harmful ingredients, using heat or unkind products for styling), poor diet choices, stress, hormonal imbalance, vitamin- or nutrient deficiency and excessive UV radiation.

In many cases the regenerative hair-care products and food supplements turn out to be inefficient and cannot provide the expected outcome and improvement. The main cause is that these methods only ease the symptoms and cannot detect or solve the underlying reasons. The root of the problem is traced back to the poor health of scalp and hair follicles so these must be cured first in order to achieve an optimal result.

How can we prevent hair breakage and split ends?

Hydrafacial Keravie Hair treatment Hydrafacial Keravie Hair treatment

Hydrafacial Keravie Hair treatment

Our professionals effectively apply the HydraFacial™ Keravive hair treatment in order to revitalize and nourish the scalp. Following the cleansing and peeling, the next step is to rub different growth factors and proteins into the skin with a special serum. After the clinical treatment, You need to resume the process with an at-home scalp and follicle-nourishing routine. The combination of the previous treatment sections can be supplemented by massaging in favor of increasing the circulation which provides an adequate blood flow for the hair follicles. This technique strengthens and enriches the hair. Beside helping with hair growth, the Keravive treatment is part of a good anti-aging and prevention strategy.

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PRP treatment for hair loss

Another beneficial hair bulb strengthening method is the PRP treatment which makes the hair healthier, thicker, stronger and more radiant while providing greater resilience for the scalp. The PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma which includes cell regenerator and reviver particles. During the therapy, the patient’s own blood is used to restore the hair bulbs. The injections contain a concentration of a patient’s own platelets to accelerate the reparative functions in dermal tissues. The growth factors pumped into the selected skin parts have a strengthening and thickening effect on the hairs. As a consequence several inactive hair bulbs get revived, the blood flow increases and in this way an adequate amount of nutrients is delivered.

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PRP treatment for hair loss
Hair diagnostics Hair diagnostics

Hair diagnostics

Thinning hair is often caused by malnutrition, deficiency diseases and other health issues. Our dermatologists help You with hair diagnostic methods and if needed they suggest lab tests also in favor of exploring the underlying reasons of hair breakage, loss and split ends. The combination of examinations facilitate the creation of an adequate treatment protocol for improving scalp health and restoring your locks.

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