Diastasis Recti Surgery

A professional plastic surgery solution for the restoration of split abdominal muscles, removing excess abdominal skin and fat for an aesthetically pleasing abdomen.

Szétnyílt hasizom műtét

Diastasis Recti Surgery

The stretching of the abdominal muscles (rectus diastasis) during pregnancy is a natural process to allow the fetus enough space in the womb. In many cases, however, the linea alba, the fibrous connective tissue that connects the straight abdominal muscles in the middle, is unable to regenerate properly during the postnatal period and cannot hold the lateral abdominal muscles together and close them.

  1. bulging abdomen
  2. pain in the lower back
  3. bulging above and/or below the navel
  4. abdominal discomfort, bloating
  5. hunched posture
  6. hanging stomach

The problem most commonly occurs after childbirth. It is more common after twin pregnancies, after multiple pregnancies, or when the baby is born with a heavy birth weight. However, it can also affect people who have lost a lot of excess weight, do heavy physical work or lift heavier weights when playing sports. It is often caused by weakness of the connective tissue.

A gap of more than 2 cm is considered abnormal, while a gap of more than 5 cm is considered severe.

A flattened abdominal muscle affects digestion, posture, the torso and in the long term can lead to serious health problems (e.g. incontinence, hernia, pelvic organ descent) and can also negatively affect self-esteem. 

In cases where conservative therapies, physiotherapy and other targeted treatments are no longer effective, surgical intervention may be necessary. As well as restoring the abdominal muscles, diastasi recti surgery can also remove excess fatty tissue and sagging skin, restoring the abdomen to a firm and flat shape. It also improves posture and eliminates back pain.

Personalized procedure with instantly visible results Personalized procedure with instantly visible results

Personalized procedure with instantly visible results

The result of the surgery is immediately visible, and the final shape takes about six months to develop thanks to the healing process.

The surgery is preceded by careful planning and a precise surgical plan to ensure the best natural result for your needs.

Improved appearance, comfort and self-confidence

Thanks to the plastic surgery, the protruding abdomen will be flat and firm again, eliminating hunched posture and back pain, improving quality of life and increasing self-confidence.
Improved appearance, comfort and self-confidence


During the initial consultation, our plastic surgeon will assess the condition of the abdomen and the abdominal muscle, your specific concerns, and provide detailed information about treatment options, surgical procedures and the results you can expect from the procedures.

The specialist will then prepare a detailed surgical plan. The operation will require a few tests that must be completed. Laboratory tests, an ECG, chest X-ray and abdominal ultrasound are essential in all cases, but certain illnesses, medication and previous plastic surgery may warrant further tests.

The diastasis recti surgery takes approximately 2-3 hours.

During the procedure, our plastic surgeon will make an incision at the level of the bikini line and dissect the abdominal wall up to the rib cage. He then restores the abdominal muscles and removes excess from the abdominal wall, and also fatty tissue and skin. It also aligns the skin of the abdomen with the reinforced abdominal wall and fixes the navel in its new position.

 At the end of the operation, drain tubes are inserted into the wound to drain discharge.


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Surgery is recommended for people who have abdominal muscles that are more than 2 cm apart due to childbirth, after losing a lot of weight or due to heavy weight training, and the problem does not improve with conservative therapy, physical therapy and other complementary treatments.

For those who are planning to have children, it is advisable to have plastic surgery later, after childbirth.

You can take your regular medication before the operation, but you must consult your plastic surgeon if you are taking anticoagulant medication (e.g. aspirin). Post-operative recovery can be improved by drinking enough fluids, resting and taking skin-regenerating products recommended by the surgeon.

Mobilisation can start the day after surgery. Avoid heavy physical activity for 1-2 weeks after the operation, after which you can gradually return to your previous activities, with low-intensity exercise.

  • The surgical areas should be completely dry for 1 week.
  • For the first time, it is recommended to sleep on your back with your upper body upholstered.
  • In the weeks after the operation, smoking, nicotine-containing products and alcohol should be avoided.
  • No strenuous physical activity, exercise, bending or lifting is recommended for 3 weeks.
  • Avoid tanning beds, saunas and sunbathing for at least 6 weeks.

  • The surgical area will develop haemorrhages and swelling after the procedure, which should disappear completely in about 5-6 weeks.
  • If you experience pain in the days after the operation, you should take painkillers.
  • To prevent thrombosis, a low molecular weight heparin preparation should be used.

At the end of the operation, drain tubes are inserted into the wound to ensure proper drainage of the secretions. This is removed and the wound closed by the plastic surgeon after 3 days. After 8 days, at the next check-up, the adhesive bandage is removed and the wound is covered with sterile gauze sheets. Suture removal takes place after 2-3 days, followed by a six-week follow-up. At this time it will be possible to see whether the wound has healed properly and whether the skin has reattached properly.

Mint minden operációnak, a szétnyílt hasizom műtétnek is lehetnek bizonyos szövődményei. A beavatkozást követő 24-48 órában jelentkezhet vérzés, valamint fokozott szövetnedv- és nyirok termelődés. Emellett gyulladás is felléphet, ami gennyes váladékozást okozhat. Súlyosabb esetekben előfordulhat bőr- és szövetelhalás is, melynek hátterében legtöbb esetben keringési zavar húzódik meg. Arra hajlamosaknál hegképződési zavar - keloid, hipertrófiás vagy atrófiás hegesedés - léphet fel, valamint a műtéti heg gyulladása. Ismert hegképződési zavar esetén fontos a plasztikai sebészt erről már az első konzultáció során tájékoztatni, hiszen a probléma befolyásolhatja a beavatkozás menetét és az utóápolást.

It takes about six month for the surgical area to fully recover, by which point the final result of the operation will be visible. At the first check-up, after the plastic surgeon removes the bandage, it can be seen that the excess skin tissue has been removed and the bulging of the abdomen has stopped, but at this stage the final abdomen is not visible due to haemorrhages and swelling.

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